

Community Ecology

What is a community?

A group of species that interact in a given space

  • Communities have structure, including species richness, relative abundance etc.
  • Different types of interactions
  • Why is it important to study interactions in a community?

Interctions matter

Species interactions can be a determinant of:

  • persistence of constituent species
  • stability of a community
  • ecosystem functions

Types of interactions

List species interactions

  • Competition
  • Predation
  • Mutualism
  • Parasitism
  • Commensalism
  • and more…


Competition is considered to be a dominant (perhaps THE dominant) type of species interactions in a community*.

*I doubt it

Contest competition

One or few individuals dominate resources

Scramble competition

Depletes resources and all competitors are affected

Competition models

Recall: logistic model

One species model (Logistic model):

\[ \begin{align} \frac{dN}{dt} &= rN(1-\frac{N}{K}) &&\text{Logistic model}\\ \end{align} \]

Include competition

Add \(N_2\) to the equation:

\[ \begin{align} \frac{dN_1}{dt} &= r_1N_1(1-\frac{N_1+N_2}{K_1})\\ \end{align} \]

How does \(N_2\) impact \(\frac{dN_1}{dt}\)?

R exercise: set parameters

Visualize how \(N_2\) impacts \(\frac{dN_1}{dt}\)

Set \(r\), \(K_1\), \(N_1\), and \(N_2\)

\(N_2\) is set to be \(0\) for reference

r1 <- 1.5
K1 <- 100
N1 <- seq(from = 0, to = 150, length = 100)
N2 <- 0 # set 0 as a reference

R exercise: equation

Write equation

\[ \frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\frac{N_1+N_2}{K_1})\\ \]

dN1_0 <- r1*N1*(1 - (N1 + N2)/K1)

R exercise: visualize

plot(dN1_0 ~ N1, type = "l", ylab = "dN1/dt") # N2 = 0
abline(h = 0, col = grey(0, 0.2))
points(100, 0, cex = CEX)

R exercise: visualize

dN1_10 <- r1*N1*(1 - (N1 + 10)/K1) # N2 = 10
plot(dN1_0 ~ N1, type = "l", ylab = "dN1/dt")
abline(h = 0, col = grey(0, 0.2))
lines(dN1_10 ~ N1, col = "blue")

R exercise: visualize

dN1_10 <- r1*N1*(1 - (N1 + 10)/K1) # N2 = 10
plot(dN1_0 ~ N1, type = "l", ylab = "dN1/dt")
abline(h = 0, col = grey(0, 0.2))
lines(dN1_10 ~ N1, col = "blue")

R exercise: visualize

dN1_50 <- r1*N1*(1 - (N1 + 50)/K1) # N2 = 50
plot(dN1_0 ~ N1, type = "l", ylab = "dN1/dt")
abline(h = 0, col = grey(0, 0.2))
lines(dN1_10 ~ N1, col = "blue")
lines(dN1_50 ~ N1, col = "red")

R exercise: visualize

dN1_50 <- r1*N1*(1 - (N1 + 50)/K1) # N2 = 50
plot(dN1_0 ~ N1, type = "l", ylab = "dN1/dt")
abline(h = 0, col = grey(0, 0.2))
lines(dN1_10 ~ N1, col = "blue")
lines(dN1_50 ~ N1, col = "red")

Impact of competition

Logistic model + species 2 (\(N_2\))

\[ \frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\frac{N_1+N_2}{K_1})\\ \]

  • As \(N_2\) increases, the population growth of \(N_1\) becomes negative more quickly
  • Population size of species 1 reaches its equilibrium below \(K_1\), the carrying capacity in the absence of species 2


Logistic model + species 2 (\(N_2\))

\[ \frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\frac{N_1+N_2}{K_1})\\ \]

The above model assumes per-capita impacts are equal b/w species 1 and 2

Competition coefficient

Logistic model + species 2 (\(N_2\))

\[ \frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\frac{N_1+ \alpha N_2}{K_1})\\ \]

Multiply \(\alpha\) to model different impacts of species 2

\(\alpha\) is referred to as the competition coefficient

  • \(\alpha < 1\) … effect of species 2 is less than species 1
  • \(\alpha > 1\) … effect of species 2 is greater than species 1


Logistic model + species 2 (\(N_2\))

\[ \frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\frac{N_1+ \alpha N_2}{K_1})\\ \]

The above model assumes

  • \(N_2\) is constant
  • \(N_1\) has no impacts on \(N_2\)

Lotka-Volterra model

Lotka-Volterra model

\[ \frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\frac{N_1+ \alpha_{12} N_2}{K_1})\\ \frac{dN_2}{dt} = r_2N_2(1-\frac{N_2+ \alpha_{21} N_1}{K_2})\\ \]

The above equation models dynamic interactions of the two competing species

Lotka-Volterra model

Lotka-Volterra model (different form)

\[ \frac{dN_1}{dt} = N_1(r_1-\beta_1 N_1 - \gamma_{12}N_2)\\ \frac{dN_2}{dt} = N_2(r_2-\beta_2 N_2 - \gamma_{21}N_1)\\ \]

  • \(\beta_i\) Intraspecific competition coefficient
  • \(\gamma_{ji}\) Interspecific competition coefficient

Relate parameters

\[ \begin{align} \frac{dN_1}{dt} &= r_1N_1(1-\frac{N_1+ \alpha_{12} N_2}{K_1})\\ &= N_1(r_1 - \frac{r_1}{K_1}N_1 - \frac{r_1 \alpha_{12}}{K_1} N_2)\\ &= N_1(r_1 - \beta_1 N_1 - \beta_1 \alpha_{12} N_2)\\ &= N_1(r_1 - \beta_1 N_1 - \gamma_{12} N_2)\\ \end{align} \]

where \(\beta_1 = \frac{r_1}{K_1}\) and \(\alpha_{12} = \frac{\gamma_{12}}{\beta_1}\)

\(\alpha_{12}\) is the ratio of inta- and interspecific competition coefficitents

Predict consequences of competition

Model prediction

Model prediction

Much of interests in community ecology is the coexistence of competiting species

What does the Lotka-Volterra model predict?

Discrete version

Make the discrete version of the Lotka-Volterra model

In analogy of trasformation from the logistic to Beverton-Holt model

\[ N_{1,t+1} = (\frac{\lambda_1}{1 + \beta_1 N_{1,t} + \gamma_{12}N_{2,t}}) N_{1,t}\\ N_{2,t+1} = (\frac{\lambda_2}{1 + \beta_2 N_{2,t} + \gamma_{21}N_{1,t}}) N_{2,t} \]

R exercise: set parameters

Set \(\lambda\), \(\beta_i\), and \(\gamma_{ji}\)

# Set equal values of lambda for species 1 and 2
lambda <- 3

b1 <- 0.1   # Intra-specific competition
g21 <- 0.05 # Impact of sp1 on sp2

b2 <- 0.3   # Intra-specific competition
g12 <- 0.15 # Impact of sp2 on sp1

R exercise: initial abundance

Set initial abundance N1[1] and N2[1]

N1 <- N2 <- NULL # create "NULL" objects
N1[1] <- 10  # initial abundance 10
N2[1] <- 5 # initial abundance 5

R exercise: equation

Write the equations

\[ N_{1,t+1} = (\frac{\lambda_1}{1 + \beta_1 N_{1,t} + \gamma_{12}N_{2,t}}) N_{1,t}\\ N_{2,t+1} = (\frac{\lambda_2}{1 + \beta_2 N_{2,t} + \gamma_{21}N_{1,t}}) N_{2,t} \]

for(t in 1:99){ # simulate 100 time steps
  N1[t+1] <- (lambda*N1[t])/(1 + b1*N1[t] + g12*N2[t])
  N2[t+1] <- (lambda*N2[t])/(1 + b2*N2[t] + g21*N1[t])

R exercise: print

Check the first 5 time steps

## [1] 10.00000 10.90909 11.52000 11.95514 12.27701
## [1] 5.000000 5.000000 4.925373 4.838899 4.760467

R exercise: visualize

t <- 1:length(N1)

plot(N1 ~ t, type = "l", col = "blue", ylab = "N1 or N2",
     ylim = c(0, max(N1, N2) ) )
lines(N2 ~ t, col = "red")

R exercise: visualize

t <- 1:length(N1)

plot(N1 ~ t, type = "l", col = "blue", ylab = "N1 or N2",
     ylim = c(0, max(N1, N2) ) )
lines(N2 ~ t, col = "red")

Model prediction

\[ N_{1,t+1} = (\frac{\lambda_1}{1 + \beta_1 N_{1,t} + \gamma_{12}N_{2,t}}) N_{1,t}\\ N_{2,t+1} = (\frac{\lambda_2}{1 + \beta_2 N_{2,t} + \gamma_{21}N_{1,t}}) N_{2,t} \]

In the previous exercise, we set:

  • \(\lambda_1 = \lambda_2\) = 3
  • \(\beta_1\) = 0.1 and \(\gamma_{21}\) = 0.05
  • \(\beta_2\) = 0.3 and \(\gamma_{12}\) = 0.15

What does this mean?

Competition: scenario 1

Try the following conditions

Scenario 1

Intraspecific competition \(\beta_{i}\) is stronger than interspecific competition \(\gamma_{ji}\) for both species (\(\beta_i > \gamma_{ji}\))

R exercise: scenario 1

# Set equal values of lambda for species 1 and 2
lambda <- 3

b1 <- 0.1   # Intra-specific competition
g21 <- 0.05 # Impact of sp1 on sp2

b2 <- 0.3   # Intra-specific competition
g12 <- 0.15 # Impact of sp2 on sp1

# initial abundance
N1 <- N2 <- NULL # create "NULL" objects
N1[1] <- 5  # set initial abundance 5
N2[1] <- 10 # set initial abundance 10

# simulate
for(t in 1:99){ # simulate 100 time steps
  N1[t+1] <- (lambda*N1[t])/(1 + b1*N1[t] + g12*N2[t])
  N2[t+1] <- (lambda*N2[t])/(1 + b2*N2[t] + g21*N1[t])

R exercise: scenario 1

t <- 1:length(N1)

plot(N1 ~ t, type = "l", col = "blue", ylab = "N1 or N2",
     ylim = c(0, max(N1,N2) ) )
lines(N2 ~ t, col = "red")

Prediction: scenario 1

When \(\beta_i > \gamma_{ji}\),

the two species coexist (initial abundance does not matter)

Competition: scenario 2

Try the following conditions

Scenario 2

Intraspecific competition \(\beta_{i}\) is stronger than interspecific competition \(\gamma_{ji}\) for species 1 (\(\beta_1 > \gamma_{21}\))


Intraspecific competition \(\beta_{i}\) is weaker than interspecific competition \(\gamma_{ji}\) for species 2 (\(\beta_2 < \gamma_{12}\))

R exercise: scenario 2

Set initial abundance as you like

# Set equal values of lambda for species 1 and 2
lambda <- 3 

# in sp.1 equation
b1 <- 1.5
g21 <- 1.0

# in sp.2 equation
b2 <- 0.1
g12 <- 0.8

# initial abundance
N1 <- N2 <- NULL # create "NULL" objects
N1[1] <- 10
N2[1] <- 8

# simulate
for(t in 1:99){ # simulate 100 time steps
  N1[t+1] <- (lambda*N1[t])/(1 + b1*N1[t] + g12*N2[t])
  N2[t+1] <- (lambda*N2[t])/(1 + b2*N2[t] + g21*N1[t])

R exercise: scenario 2

t <- 1:length(N1)

plot(N1 ~ t, type = "l", col = "blue", ylab = "N1 or N2",
     ylim = c(0, max(N1, N2) ) )
lines(N2 ~ t, col = "red")

Prediction: scenario 2

When \(\beta_i > \gamma_{ji} \cap \beta_j < \gamma_{ij}\) (or \(\beta_i < \gamma_{ji} \cap \beta_j > \gamma_{ij}\)),

the two species cannot coexist

  • Winner has greater impacts on the competitor than themselves (\(\beta_i < \gamma_{ji}\) or \(\beta_j < \gamma_{ij}\))
  • Loser has greater impacts on themselves than the competitor (\(\beta_i > \gamma_{ji}\) or \(\beta_j > \gamma_{ij}\))

Competition: scenario 3

Try the following conditions

Scenario 3

Intraspecific competition \(\beta_{i}\) is weaker than interspecific competition \(\gamma_{ji}\) for species 1 (\(\beta_1 < \gamma_{21}\))


Intraspecific competition \(\beta_{i}\) is weaker than interspecific competition \(\gamma_{ji}\) for species 2 (\(\beta_2 < \gamma_{12}\))

R exercise: scenario 3

Set initial abundance as you like

# Set equal values of lambda for species 1 and 2
lambda <- 3 

# in sp.1 equation
b1 <- 0.1
g21 <- 0.2

# in sp.2 equation
b2 <- 0.2
g12 <- 0.4

# initial abundance
N1 <- N2 <- NULL # create "NULL" objects
N1[1] <- 1
N2[1] <- 1.5

# simulate
for(t in 1:99){ # simulate 100 time steps
  N1[t+1] <- (lambda*N1[t])/(1 + b1*N1[t] + g12*N2[t])
  N2[t+1] <- (lambda*N2[t])/(1 + b2*N2[t] + g21*N1[t])

R exercise: scenario 3

t <- 1:length(N1)

plot(N1 ~ t, type = "l", col = "blue", ylab = "N1 or N2",
     ylim = c(0, max(N1, N2) ) )
lines(N2 ~ t, col = "red")

Prediction: scenario 3

When \(\beta_i < \gamma_{ji}\),
the two species cannot coexist (winner is the species with higher initial abundance)


Lotka-Volterra model predicts three consequences

Stable coexistence
\(\beta_i > \gamma_{ji}\)

Competitive dominance (exclusion)
\(\beta_i > \gamma_{ji} \cap \beta_j < \gamma_{ij}\) (or \(\beta_i < \gamma_{ji} \cap \beta_j > \gamma_{ij}\))

Destabilizing competition
\(\beta_i < \gamma_{ji}\)