

Population ecology

Population ecology

What do population ecologists study?

Population dynamics — how population size/density changes over time in a single habitat

Distributions — how populations are distributed over space

Landscape-level dynamics — how populations are maintained at the landscape level (metapopulation)


Population dynamics

birth & death
(immigration, emigration)

Classical metapopulation

What is a metapopulation?

Population of populations

  • Populations are connected by dispersal
  • Does this make difference?

Recall: local population

Local population dynamics with no dispersal is driven by birth \(b\) and death \(d\) processes

\[ \frac{dN}{dt} = (b - d)N \]

Once the population goes extinct, no chance to re-establish a new population


Immigration can lead to a colonization into a new habitat

Metapopulation theory

Classical metapopulation theory focuses on dynamics at a landscape level

  • Local population dynamics are not explicitly modeled
    • either occupied or unoccupied
    • no information on population size
  • Metapopulation persistence is the primary interest
    • how patch occupancy changes over time
    • key: colonization \(m\)* and extinction rates \(e\)*

*Parameter notations may differ among studies

Levins metapopulation model

The Levins Metapopulation Model:

\[ \frac{dp}{dt} = mp(1-p) - ep \]

  • \(p\): proportion of patches occupied
  • \(m\): colonization rate (per patch)
  • \(e\): extinction rate (per patch)

Levins (1969) Some demographic and genetic consequences of environmental heterogeneity for biological control. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America. 15: 237-240


The Levins Metapopulation Model:

\[ \frac{dp}{dt} = mp(1-p) - ep \]

The term \(mp(1-p)\) determines the rate of increase in occupancy

  • immigrants come from occupied patches (\(p\))
  • colonization occurs only at unoccupied patches
  • multiply \(m\) to express random colonization


The Levins Metapopulation Model:

\[ \frac{dp}{dt} = mp(1-p) - ep \]

The term \(ep\) determines the rate of decrease in occupancy

  • extinction occurs only at occupied patches (\(p\))
  • multiply \(e\) to express random extinction

R exercise: colonization

Draw how colonization rate changes over \(p\)

Create \(p\) and \(m\) (set 1.0 for an example)

p <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 100)
m <- 1

R exercise: colonization

Draw how colonization rate changes over \(p\)

Plot the relationship b/w \(p\) and \(mp(1-p)\)

M <- m*p*(1-p)
plot(M ~ p, type = "l")

R exercise: colonization

Draw how colonization rate changes over \(p\)

Plot the relationship b/w \(p\) and \(mp(1-p)\)

M <- m*p*(1-p)
plot(M ~ p, type = "l")

R exercise: extinction

Draw how extinction rate changes over \(p\)

Create \(e\) (set 0.2 for an example)

e <- 0.2

R exercise: extinction

Draw how extinction rate changes over \(p\)

Plot the relationship b/w \(p\) and \(ep\)

E <- e*p
plot(E ~ p, type = "l")

R exercise: extinction

Draw how extinction rate changes over \(p\)

Plot the relationship b/w \(p\) and \(ep\)

E <- e*p
plot(E ~ p, type = "l")

R exercise: m & e

Draw how colonization & extinction rates change over \(p\)

plot(M ~ p, type = "l")
lines(E ~ p, col = "red")

Equilibrium occupancy

  • With \(p\) below the intersection, occupancy ___
  • With \(p\) above the intersection, occupancy ___

Equilibrium occupancy

\[ \frac{dp}{dt} = mp(1-p) - ep \]

Equilibrium occupancy

How to get equilibrium occupancy?

Equilibrium occupancy

Solve the following eq. about \(p\)

\[ \begin{align} \frac{dp}{dt} &= cp(1-p) - ep = 0\\ p^* &= ...\\ \end{align} \]

Equilibrium occupancy

Solve the following eq. about \(p\)

\[ p^* = 1 - \frac{e}{m} \]

Condition for persistence

For a metapopulation to persist, \(p^*\) > 0

\[ p^* = 1 - \frac{e}{m} > 0 \]

Condition for persistence

For a metapopulation to persist, \(p^*\) must exceed zero, meaning

\[ m > e \]

Colonization rate \(m\) must exceed extinction rate \(e\)


Classical metapopulation assumes

  • No variation in population size
  • Immigration from within-metapopulation sources
  • Random colonization & extinction
  • Dispersal do NOT affect population dynamics

Mainland-island metapopulation

Mainland-island metapopulation model

One of the assumptions in the Levins metapopulation model is equal population size

The mainland-island metapopulation model is on the other extreme

Levins vs. mainland-island


  • One LARGE population (the mainland) that never goes extinct
  • Immigration from the mainland to islands only
  • Random extinctions on islands

The formula

The mainland-island metapopulation model:

\[ \frac{dp}{dt} = m(1-p) - ep \]

The Levins metapopulation model:

\[ \frac{dp}{dt} = mp(1-p) - ep \]

R exercise: colonization

Draw how colonization/extinction rate changes over \(p\)

Create \(p\), \(m\) and \(e\)

p <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 100)
m <- e <- 1

R exercise: colonization

Draw how colonization/extinction rate changes over \(p\)

Create \(m(1-p)\) and \(ep\)

M <- m*(1-p)
E <- e*p

R exercise: colonization

Plot \(m(1-p)\) and \(ep\)

plot(M ~ p, type = "l", ylab = "Colonization or extinction rate")
lines(E ~ p, col = "red")


The mainland-island metapopulation model:

\[ \frac{dp}{dt} = m(1-p) - ep \]

The equilibrium occupancy \(p^*\) is

\[ p^* = ... \]


\[ p^* = \frac{m}{m+e} \]

Condition for persistence

For a metapopulation to persist, \(p^* > 0\)

\(\frac{m}{m+e} > 0\), i.e., \(m > 0\)

Condition for persistence

When \(m > 0\), there is a persistent supply of immigrants from the mainland

  • the metapopulation never goes extinct
  • higher extinction rate \(e\) cannot lead to the metapopulation extinction

Field study

More complexity

The metapopulation models are clearly oversimplified

In particular…

  • Random extinction
  • Random colonization


Random extinction

Population size varies in nature and influences local extinction risk

Random colonization

Organisms have limited dispersal capability


Focus on a single habitat patch and think colonization into and extinction of the patch


Habitat size

Extinction probability decreases with increasing habitat size

Rationale: habitat size

In a large habitat…

  • population size is larger
  • more refuge



Colonization probability decreases with increasing isolation

Rationale: isolation

In a isolated habitat,

  • dispersal is more costly & risky
  • dispersing individuals are less likely to arrive

Measures of isolation

  • distance to the nearest neighbor
  • distance weighted measure

Empirical approach

When studying real organisms…

  • survey presence/absence of the species \(y_i\) at each habitat
  • relate to habitat size and isolation (and other factors)

\[ y_i = f(habitat~size, isolation) \]


More reality might be needed for empirical studies

  • matrix permeability
  • wind
  • current
  • species interactions


Theory: metapopulation-level occupancy

Empirical: patch-level occupancy

Testing metapopulation theory

Patch-level studies can still provide insights

However, our primary interest is the metapopulation persistence, not persistence of local populations

Approach to studying metapopulations

Metapopulation replicates are needed to study the drivers of metapopulation persistence


Scaling up with simulation approaches with parameters estimated with patch-level studies