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Basic usage

ggbrnet() is a wrapper of ggraph functions for easy visualization of a network produced by brnet() .

Quick start

ggbrnet() takes brnet() object as the first argument, so it’s compatible with pipe %>%:

brnet() %>% 

Patch color

Arguments: patch_color

Users can change how they color patches by specifying patch_color. Default is "black". Other options are env and disturb referring to the environment and disturbance columns, respectively:

## colored by `environment`
brnet() %>% 
  ggbrnet(patch_color = "env") + # "environment" works too
  labs(color = "Environment")

## colored by `disturbance`
brnet() %>% 
  ggbrnet(patch_color = "disturb") + # "disturbance" works too
  labs(color = "Disturbance")

It is also possible to specify one of the columns in .$df_patch:

df0 <- brnet()
df0$df_patch <- df0$df_patch %>% 
  mutate(x = runif(50, 0, 100))

df0 %>% 
  ggbrnet(patch_color = "x") +
  labs(color = "x")

If patch_color is neither env, disturb, nor any column in .$df_patch, the function takes it as an ordinary color name, for example:

brnet() %>% 

Patch label

Arguments: patch_label

Users may add patch labels using the argument patch_label:

# patch ID
brnet() %>% 
  ggbrnet(patch_label = "patch")

# branch ID
brnet() %>% 
  ggbrnet(patch_label = "branch")

# number of upstream contributing patches
brnet() %>% 
  ggbrnet(patch_label = "n_upstream")

Users may specify additional arguments passed to ggraph::geom_node_label() to tweak details, for example:

# branch ID adjust label position
brnet() %>% 
  ggbrnet(nudge_x = 0.2)

Patch size

To change patch size, specify patch_size:

brnet() %>%
  ggbrnet(patch_size = 1)